
Can a torn ACL heal?
Scott Harrison Scott Harrison

Can a torn ACL heal?

It has long been accepted that a completely torn human ACL cannot heal. However, evidence dating back to the 1980’s has challenged this strong belief.

More and more research is available demonstrating the high intrinsic healing capacity of the human ACL and the ability for it to spontaneously heal even when fully ruptured!

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ACL Return to Sport Criteria
Scott Harrison Scott Harrison

ACL Return to Sport Criteria

How do you know when it's safe to return to pre-injury sport following an ACL injury?

Passing all these testing criteria can help ensure minimal risk.

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I Tore My ACL… Now What!??
Scott Harrison Scott Harrison

I Tore My ACL… Now What!??

Have you torn your ACL and you’re not sure what to do next or how to proceed?

Read this to find out where to start and the best way forward!

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